What influence do media technologies have on society and its institutions and on our individual actions? How can (semi)-autonomous actors intervene in social media environments and take up a life of their own? Gordan Savicic and Juan Gomez will explore these questions at the workshop they offer at the Chronus Art Center.
Participants will gain hands-on knowledge of techniques implemented for the web2.0 Suicide Machine, using a tool for automated web applications testing. They will get an overview of media hacking practices, and recent web-based network technologies used to program our online experience. They will be introduced into writing simple code for their own projects. This technique could be useful for interventionist tactics and critical hacks within social media. Web-related programming skills desired, but not absolutely necessary!
Prohelvetia info
Chronus Art Center
Github Repository
workshops organised
Young generations (10-12 yrs old) have been raised with handheld devices and other digital tools/toys. After some of my conversations with them, I noticed that many of them thought of the hashtag as one of the most important things to stage their messages.
I propose to the kids that there other ways to say out loud their thoughts and the best of them is writing as it is you could get first some local visibility and then find peers with the similar messages to say. I also propose to the kids that we will use conductive ink to do our protest signs as we could as well put in some sounds to our message.
Manifesting in the street also implies having a good ambiance and for that music and sound can create a joyful experience, I gave them a comparison between a walking carnival and a street protest and how they both are the peak of expression of happiness in the first and disagreement in the latter one.
workshops organised
biblioteque municipale de genève
In order to bring the diverse disciplines together in a meaningful way, the HDSA2017 program focused on the thematic thread and the process of going ‘on and off-the grid’, – a crucial societal topic and ongoing discussion at stake in both design/art and developer practices. By developing an elaborate hands-on program H&D invited the Summer Academy participants to reflect and question dependence and obedience of our daily work and living environments. How can we, as modern nomadic workers who often do not differentiate between work and private life, look critically at infrastructure, networks and systems we rely on? Are we as steadily connected networkers capable of disconnecting from existing grids? Can we rethink and build self-sustaining environments that shape our future practices in unexpected ways?The program challenged and activated the participants to use and push the boundaries of existing technology and programming platforms (web, hardware, software), networks online/offline (internet, deep web, darknet, peer 2 peer, blockchain), and user experience, all in a practical manner while incorporating content matters and ethical consequences of the proposed technologies and processes.
workshops attended
hackers & designers
At this workshop guided by Studio Frohlic I learn methods for the design and realization of connected products (IoT). In collaboration with Wei Peng we designed "b-Wave", a connected bracelet that allows wearers to find people who have similar musical tastes. In parallel we studied the principles of "IoT manifesto" and we applied them to our project.
The project was designed with a 3D printer, RFduino and Proto.io.
Manifest for the creation of connected objects consists of 10 points:
1.We do not Believe The Hype
2.We Useful Design Things
3.We Aim For The Win-Win -Win
4.We Keep Everyone And Every Thing Secure
5.We Build And Promote A Culture Of Privacy
6.We Are Deliberate About What We Collect
7.We Make The Parties Associated With An Iot Product Explicit
8.We Empower Users To Be The Masters Of Their Own Domain
9.We Design Things For Their Lifetime
10.In The End, We Are Human Beings. Video
workshops attended, internet of things
copenhaguen institute of interaction design
wei peng