The installation departed from the idea to sonify GAS data produced from a decentralized network, GAS refers to the unit that measures the amount of computational effort required to execute specific operations on the Ethereum network. Since each Ethereum transaction requires computational resources to execute, each transaction requires a fee. Gas refers to the fee required to conduct a transaction on Ethereum successfully. As the world was going through an Energy crisis in the wake of the Ukranian war, there was a fluctuation of this value that was changing in very unpredictable ways in the recent months as of the time of the fellowship.
The piece tries to question the limits of such networks, claiming to be decentralized, which depend on the global energy network now in crisis because of its centralization.
sound installation
yepeng ding (tokyo university)
Decisions architecture is a participatory performance that invites participants to explore some of the aesthetics of decision making and the cognitive biases that humans are subject to in their daily life. The experience takes place in a grid that has been conceived to recreate some of the decisional spaces such as parliaments and stock markets. The performance generates playful in-between moments to generate awkward and strange conversations and exchange of actions to make them aware of their decisional moments.
participative performance, cybernetic role-play
tutors: gordan savičić and dominic robson
technical assistance: mikhail samoilov
What does the landscape of graphic design research look like? It is this question that this exhibition tries to answer, which in turn can itself be read and thought of as a cartography.
Graphic design is always about something other than graphic design. As such, research can question the social world, politics, images or writing, typography and the sign, their role in the transmission of knowledge and visual communication, but also the history, the archives and collections, or digital, new media and the complex modes of visualization associated with them.
The cartography of research in graphic design then reveals six large territories, whose porous borders are briskly crossed by most projects and researchers. This division is contingent, it offers a point of view on a current state of research, an instant lighting on its few dominant colors, that projects mix continuously and in varying proportions.
Such mapping is of course built on questionable divisions, presupposing the very limits of the map, drawn between research and practice, between graphic design and art or design. Strangers to any normative ambition, these choices are to be seen as starting points, avenues for discussion and reflection on the potential extensions that the richness of the field of graphic design suggests here.
in the medias:
Studio Malte Martin
magazine etapes
ligne de base
this is our work
curation: Vivien Philizot, Malte Martin
texts: Vivien Philizot
graphic design: Vivien Philizot,
in collaboration with Michaël Mouyal, Julienne Richard
scénograpy: Philippe Riehling
proofreading: Charlotte Bomy
traduction Birgitt Sørensen
digital consultant: Juan Andres Gomez
coordination: Département Collection,
expositions et recherche du Signe
experimental website, archiving
malte martin, michael mouyal, vivien philizot
During a semester I worked as a researcher intern in a research laboratory,(Institute of Network Cultures) alongside With Cristina Cochior (RO), and the support of The Wikimedia Foundation Netherlands, we conducted an experimental and exploratory research on the potential use content from projects such as Wikipedia, Wikivoyage, Wikidictionary, etc. in offline formats such as Epub. During the 5 months of research, we interviewed artists (Anja Groten by Hackers & Designers, Femke Smelts from Constant and Andre Castro from Piet Zwart) about their uses of the wiki: some of them use it as a tool and others are interested in using it to make hybrid publications. We presented our research at the annual Wikimedia NL conference in Utrecht. We exposed in detail the findings of our research, and we presented the design of a prototype that is used to export content from Wikis (HTML) epubs. This research is still ongoing and we are developing it during our free time because we have received a lot of interest from the foundation and independent wikis. This research made me discover the world of experimental and hybrid publishing and made me aware of the issues facing its many actors.
publishing tool, experimental research
Working optimisation is the dream of many in the corporate world, but this optimisation is about letting our body go.Make-Book-Make-Sport is the perfect machine for designers because it lets you exercise while creating layouts for books. Motivational phrases and images scroll in front of you to create a fun and entertaining ambience while exercising. After each workout, the user can print their own book. The book is a souvenir from this exciting moment. It can be shared with others or kept as a journal of the designer’s workouts.
A wiki dedicated to having an overview of the key concepts in the extensive work of Donna Haraway.
The wiki was also complemented by Local wifi attached to a dog that served as hub for collaboratively exploring during a day the different "becoming with" manners in which humans collaborate with other species.
local wifi network on a dog
hochschule für künste bremen
The goal of the participatory performance is to make the participant reenact different programmatic qualities of today’s visual coding languages. Participants will be asked to dance some previous chosen code with their bodies in a mat and will collectively create the image that their code was intended to create.
The performance took place at the Open House of HEAD Geneve in 2018.
participatory performance
simon pinkas, carla marceau, leo durand
Improve your life while maintaining peace in the streets! Get tax reductions, food coupons and other advantages doing your patriotic duty helping the overwhelmed police forces in this chaotic, riot-ridden era. Just search on the map. Help Your Government (HYG)is an approach to the uber-ization of violence. Users get a connected tonfa. A tonfa is the weapon baton used by police in riots and for security in private spaces. The use of the tonfa is quantified if the users show up to a riot. They are awarded a tax reduction for using their tonfa. There is also the premium version of the tonfa, where the user can express herself and be distinguished when in a riot or when securing a private place, like a bank or a night shop. Most importantly, the user receives general benefits by helping the state.
critical object and website
david heritier
What does it mean to connect? is a mental souvenir with someone strong to be a connection in this world?
this is the result of one week workshop with Studio Moniker
participatory performance
alix meuwly